Executive Summary

Comprehensive Reports have been prepared to document the history and heritage, as well as the individual and communal losses suffered by Jews and Jewish communities displaced from 10 Arab countries and Iran. Download the Executive Summary of the first Report in this series entitled: The Jews of Syria: Historical and Economic Analysis.

Courtyard of the Synagogue of Aleppo

The Jews of Syria: Historical and Economic Analysis

Driven out by continuous state-sponsored persecution and discriminatory policies, the 
Jewish population experienced a dramatic decrease: from approximately 50,000 in the
 early 20th century, dropping to 30,000 by 1948, roughly 5,000 in 1958, and fewer than
 100 by 1991. By then, the Syrian Jewish community was effectively eliminated, with
 those who fled as refugees settling in Israel, the United States, and South America. Today, it is estimated that only 4 Jews remain in Syria.

For the full Report on The Jews of Syria: Historical and Economic Analysis, please click the link below.

Towns in Syria with Jewish communities

Press Release

The following announcement was released to the media on Dec. 23, 2024

Ruins of the Synagogue, Aleppo, 1979

Personal Tragedies


Contact Us

For more information on The Jews of Syria: Historical and Economic Analysis, or other Reports in this series on Jewish refugees from Arab countries, please contact us at: info@justiceforjews.com