In 1975, the World Organization of Jews of Arab Countries
(WOJAC) was founded in Paris. WOJAC offered representation for the
other Middle East refugee situation - that of Jews from Arab lands.
This voluntary non-governmental organization was set up
to represent the interests of Jews of Arab lands and to present
a balanced view of the Middle East refugee problem based on:
(1) recognition of de facto
population exchange that occurred in 1948 between the Jewish refugees
of Arab lands settled in Israel and Arabs fleeing from Israel,
(2) the legitimate rights and
claims of those Jews for compensation for the extensive communal
and personal property left behind in the Arab countries, for which
WOJAC seeks a just solution.
WOJAC was the only United Nations
recognized organization that fully devoted its time and efforts
to protecting the “forgotten claims” and interests of
the Jews who fled to Israel.
Oved Ben Ozer, President, WOJAC
Dr. Haskel Haddad, President WOJAC, USA
Founded in 2002, Justice for Jews
from Arab Countries (JJAC) is a coalition of major
Jewish communal organizations operating under the auspices of the
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations,
the American Sephardi Federation and the World Organization
of Jews from Arab Countries in conjunction with the
American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish
Congress, Anti-Defamation League, B’nai Brith International,
the Jewish Public Council for Public Affairs and the World Sephardic
Mission Statement
To ensure that justice for Jews
from Arab countries assumes
its rightful place on the international political
and judicial agenda
and that their rights be secured as a matter of law
and equity.
Founding Chairman
S. Daniel Abraham, USA
Stanley A. Urman
Honorary Chairs
Shlomo Hillel, Israel
Richard Holbrooke, USA
Leon Levy a"h, USA
Lord Weidenfeld, UK
James Tisch, USA
Mortimer B. Zuckerman, USA