Auspices for International Rights and Redress Campaign

The International Rights and Redress Campaign is an initiative of the World Organization for Jews from Arab Countries and Justice for Jews from Arab Countries. To date, the leadership of the following representative, national organizations of Diaspora Jewish communities have agreed to organize the International Rights and Redress Campaign in their respective countries:

Diaspora Jewish Communities and Organizations

  • Argentina 
Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA)
  • Australia 
Executive Council of Australian Jewry
  • Belgium 
CCOJB, Institut Sepharade Europeen
  • Brazil
Confederação Israelita do Brasil
  • Britain
Board of Deputies of British Jews
  • Canada
Canadian Jewish Congress
  • Columbia
Centro Israelita de Bagota
  • Euro-Asian
Including Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Byelorussia, Jewish Congress Georgia, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, New Zealand, Poland, Slovenia, Tajikistan,   Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
  • France
Conseil representatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF)
  • Guatemala
Comunidad Judía Guatemalteca
  • Honduras
Comunidad de San Pedro Sula
  • Hungary
B'nai Brith Hungary
  • Israel
World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries
  • Italy
Unione delle Comunita Ebraiche Italiana
  • Mexico
Comite Central de la Comunidad Judia de Mexico
  • Panama
Congreso Judio Panamano
  • Spain
Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE)
  • Sweden

Svensk-Israel-Information - Swedish Israel Information For Israel and Democracy in the Middle East (FADIM)

  • USA
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
  • Uruguay
Nueva Congregacion Israelite
  • Venezuela
Congregation of Israelite Associations of Venezuela (CAIV)

Auspices for International Rights and Redress Campaign

All major Jewish organizations are systematically being recruited to participate actively in the US campaign efforts. To date, the following national Jewish organizations have indicated their willingness to participate:

USA Participation

American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
American Sephardi Federation
Anti-Defamation League
Association of Reform Zionists of America
B'nai B'rith International
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Historical Society of Jews from Egypt
Hillel-The Foundation for Campus Jewish Life
International Sephardic Leadership Council
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Mercaz, the Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement
National Council of Young Israel
Rabbinical Assembly
Rabbinical Council of America
Syrian & Near Eastern Jewish Communities in America

Union for Reform Judaism

Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
United Jewish Communities