Ambassador Ron Prosor: "The historic Jewish presence
in the Arab World must be recognized. The grave injustices inflicted
upon them must be acknowledged. The crimes committed against them
must be rectified. Yet, there is still time for us to speak with
truth - to bring the history of these refugees to the world's
attention. On behalf of the Jewish State, I extend a promise to
each and every one of you. Your history will not be lost. Your
plight will not be ignored any longer".
May 3, 2013 The Hon Jason Kenny, Senior Minister in the
Harper government of Canada indicated that not only is Canada
going to study the Jewish refugees from Arab lands but it is an
important part of the Arab-Israeli conflict... "Yesterday,
the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and
International Development began its study on the issue of Jewish
refugees from Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
1948 and the early 1970's, over 850,000 Jews were displaced as
a result of the Arab-Israeli conflict. In some instances Jewish
refugees fled state-sanctioned persecution and violence, and in
other instances they were expelled.
pogroms resulted not only in the confiscation and loss of property
without compensation, but in the uprooting of ancient Jewish communities
from their countries of residence. Many of these once-flourishing
communities no longer exist.
feel free to follow the study and read the witness testimony at
the following link: http://www.parl.gc.ca/CommitteeBusiness/CommitteeHome.aspx?Cmte=FAAE&Language=E&Mode=1&Parl=41&Ses=1
Prime Minister Paul Martin stated, in a June 3rd, 2005 interview
with the Canadian Jewish News which he later reaffirmed in a July
14, 2005 letter: "A
refugee is a refugee and that the situation of Jewish refugees
from Arab lands must be recognized. All refugees deserve our consideration
as they have lost both physical property and historical connections.
I did not imply that the claims of Jewish refugees are less legitimate
or merit less attention than those of Palestinian refugees."